The Big Bang Astronomy club was founded at OVSRCSC on 31 May 2003 on the day of annular solar eclipse. Since then it has evolved into one of the biggest astronomy club in the country with over 50 permanent members and about 1000+ subscribers. The club boasts about 16 telescopes of different sizes along with numerous astronomical accessories. This year, during the Jupiter- Saturn Conjunction event on 21 December, the club clocked about 13000+ viewers throughout the country. The club arranges public outreach programs during various astronomical phenomena like eclipses, conjunctions, occultations, meteor showers etc. The club also arranges seminars and workshops for citizens interested in the field of astronomy. Two state level Amateur Astronomers Conferences have been successfully arranged by the club with special monetary assistance from GUJCOST. A special program for young kids aged 8 to 12 years and titled “Cosmic Kidz” was introduced by the club in 2017 under which about 200 kids were trained in observational astronomy and telescope handling. The club also arranges public star parties and other full night observation events at dark locations. Presently we are in process of acquiring a place to set up an astronomical observatory.